To Em or Not to Em: The Saga of a Widow’s Naming Legacy

Welcome back to HotTakes, dear readers, where the tea is always steamy, and the takes are hotter than a sidewalk in July. Our story today comes straight from the heart—and Reddit, of course—because where else do you find real people grappling with the kinds of dilemmas that make you reach for the popcorn? So, buckle up! This tale involves a woman, her husband, a late wife’s naming convention, and a whole lot of family drama. You know, the usual Tuesday afternoon for us sophisticates.

Our protagonist, a 35-year-old pregnant goddess (let’s call her Stella, because why not?), finds herself at a crossroads. She and her husband, Emmett (a dashing widower with a penchant for names that start with ‘Em’), are expecting their bundle of joy. Now, here’s where things get spicy. Emmett has two kids from his previous marriage, Emrys and Emersyn, both proudly sporting the ‘Em’ moniker, a tribute to their late mother, Ember. You getting the pattern? Because it’s about to get tangled like last year’s Christmas lights.

Enter our villain of the piece, Mallory (because of course, her name doesn’t start with ‘Em’), who is hell-bent on ensuring this new baby girl gets an ‘Em’ name to match her half-siblings. Stella, on the other hand, is not too keen on this idea. She yearned for a fresh start, dreaming of names that didn’t start with ‘E,’ ‘m,’ or any combination of the two. Our heroine proposes a lovely compromise: let the kids decide from a list of names they love. Democratic, inclusive, and avoids the ‘Em’ clash. Brilliant, no?

But Mallory presses on, whispering sweet ‘Emilys’ in Emmett’s ear, causing a rift bigger than the Grand Canyon in their marriage. Stella, in a moment of pure, unadulterated sass, reminds Mallory that SHE is the one giving birth and, therefore, has a say in the name game. Emmett, poor soul, retreats into a silence that’s louder than my Aunt Geraldine at a bingo match.

Cue family turmoil, tears, and the silent treatment. Stella’s left wondering if she’s the antagonist in her own life story. Reddit, a beacon of solace and sanity (*cough*), is her last resort.

**Roger’s Hot Take:** Sweethearts, gather ‘round because I’m about to serve you some logic with a side of sass. First off, Stella, my dear, you are NOT the antagonist. You’re a strong, independent woman who’s about to bring a life into this world. If you want to name your baby Starshine Rainbow Warrior, you go right ahead. Second, the kids having a say in their sibling’s name? Genius. It’s inclusive, it makes them feel important, and it gives them a bond that’s not just rooted in an alphabet soup.

As for Emmett and his silent treatment? Honey, communication is key in a marriage—like, kindergarten-level knowledge. It’s time to sit down, open a bottle of wine (or grape juice for Stella), and have a good ol’ heart-to-heart. Names are important, but so is the family you’re building together.

And Mallory? Well, sweeties, every story needs a villain, and she’s played her part with the subtlety of a chainsaw. Maybe it’s time for Mallory to focus on her own business—like her name’s lack of ‘Em.’

So, to Em or not to Em, that is the question. And my answer? Be true to thyselves, darlings. Choose a name that you love, that speaks to your soul, and that will suit the incredible little person you’re about to meet. After all, a family built on love, respect, and understanding will always stand strong, whether your names match or not.

Until next time, this has been Roger, serving you the hottest of takes with the sassiest of attitudes. Cheers!

Original story

Hi all. Please tell me if I am TA or not.

I (35f) am 30 weeks pregnant. My husband Emmett (39m) was a widower when I met him and he had two kids with his wife, they are Emrys (10m) and Emersyn (8f). His late wife was named Ember and she loved the Em aesthetic so that all their names would start with Em.

Emmett and I have began discussing names, none of the names on my list start with Em. My SIL Mallory was visiting today and she said that my daughter may grow up feeling singled out and not connected to her siblings if they don’t share the Em aesthetic. I told her that Emmet and I are going to make a list of 5 names we love and we’ll let Emrys and Emersyn choose the name together. In all honestly, I am a bit uncomfortable continuing his late wife’s obsession with the aesthetic so I think my idea is lovely way for the kids to have a name connections without choosing one with Em.

Mallory told Emmett that we should name our daughter Emily, which is a name he adores. She kept pushing for me to approve until she hit a nerve and I told her that I am giving birth to MY baby, not Embers, and I want to choose a name that I love and not an aesthetic that she loved.

Emmett got quiet, put his head down, and left the room. Mallory told me that I shouldn’t have said that and that I’m a major AH for saying what I said. I told her that she should have ended the conversation the first time I tried to shut it down.

I talked to Emmett and he told me to forget it and to choose whatever name I like. He hasn’t shown any interest in continuing our discussions about names.

Reddit, AITA here?