Personal Space Invasion at the Pharmacy: A Modern Battlefront?

Greetings, dear readers of HotTakes. It’s Roger, your not-so-humble guide in the bewildering maze we call modern manners. Today, we’re diving into a tale as old as time, or at least as old as pharmacies – the delicate dance of personal space during transactions. Our story comes from a real Reddit post, a heartfelt cry for advice on the battleground of etiquette. Buckle up, buttercup, as we dissect the conundrum: ‘AITA for asking for space at the pharmacy counter?’ Let’s whisk away into the world of pharmaceutical pick-ups, shall we?

Imagine the scene: a crowded pharmacy nestled within the aisles of a bustling major retailer. Our protagonist, a concerned citizen, merely seeks to collect their prescription in peace. Yet, fate has a different script in mind. Enter the antagonist: a man with no concept of personal boundaries, who saunters up to the counter, depositing his goods in an uncomfortably close proximity to our hero. Oh, the audacity!

The inquiry seems simple enough, “Hey man, do you mind standing back a bit while I’m at the counter here?” Yet, the response is as perplexing as finding a favorite product has been discontinued. “Are you SERIOUS?!!” the boundary-challenger exclaims, presumably with the incredulity usually reserved for discovering a hidden fee.

Our protagonist stands their ground, advocating for a sliver of personal space, a request that seems as reasonable as expecting wifi to work in a cafe. However, the interloper doubles down, turning the situation into a spectacle, drawing an innocent bystander into the absurdity like a sous chef into a kitchen mishap. “I can’t tell if he’s joking or not,” he bewails, as if the concept of personal space at a pharmacy counter was as alien as socks with sandals being a fashion faux pas.

The transaction concludes with our hero exiting the stage, leaving behind nothing but tension and exchanged dirty looks, the memory of which lingers like the scent of a strong perfume.

This brings us to a crucial point of reflection. Have we, as a society, forgotten the unspoken rules that govern our interactions? The pharmacy – a place of healing, becomes a gladiator arena where the fight for personal space ensues. It seems our protagonist believes in the ancient art of giving space, not only as a courtesy but as a pillar of privacy during what can often be a vulnerable interaction. Yet, here we are, questioning if such a request is an overreaction.

Friends, it’s time for Roger’s Hot Take. No, our dear protagonist, you are not the antagonist in this comedy of errors. You, my friend, stood up for the sacred bubble of personal space, a bubble that should be respected, especially in a setting where sensitive information is exchanged quicker than a cashier can say, ‘Next, please.’

In a world where sharing is often done without a second thought, let us not forget the beauty of a little personal space, particularly when one is discussing their ailments or picking up medication. It’s not just about privacy; it’s about respect – a concept more nourishing to the soul than any prescription.

So, dear readers, next time you find yourself in line, remember this tale. Be not the invader of personal spaces but the protector of the peaceable kingdom that is the pharmacy queue. Our health, both mental and physical, might just depend on it. Until next time, this has been another HotTake with your beloved Roger, signing off with a request for kindness, space, and perhaps, a tad bit of patience. Cheers!

Original story

I was just at a pharmacy inside a major retailer. While I was being helped by the pharmacist picking up prescriptions, giving my info, etc. a guy came up to the same window as me and started placing his products for purchase on the counter right next to mine. He then just stood there waiting at the counter, practically side by side with me.

It felt very intrusive, so I turned to him and said “hey man, do you mind standing back a bit while I’m at the counter here?”

He looked at me incredulously and said “are you SERIOUS?!!”

I replied “yea you should give people a little space at the pharmacy”.

He turned to the lady behind him and went “I can’t tell if he’s joking or not” then back at me with another “are you SERIOUS?!”

I rolled me eyes at him, finished my transaction in about a minute or two, then we just exchanged dirty looks as I left.

I’ve always given the customer at the pharmacy counter a couple feet of space when waiting in line, and I’ve seen others do this for years. It felt like an accepted part of the process for privacy reasons, but now I don’t know if I I was in the wrong, overreacted, or just f-ed up in general. AITA?