Me, My Girlfriend, and My Cat: A Furry Tale of Vacation Woes

Gather ’round, dear readers, for I have stumbled upon a tale so purrplexing, it’s got the internet’s fur standing on end. Let me unpack this catnip-laden story that’s making the rounds on Reddit—a real yarn spun by a real person, no less. Our protagonist, a dutiful cat parent, finds themselves in the whiskery middle of a love triangle. It’s a classic tale of human vs. pet, with a modern twist. Buckle up; this one’s a doozy. And remember, you heard it here first on HotTakes, where your favorite sassy and witty commentator, Roger, always lands on his feet. Ready? Let’s dive into the furry fray.

In one corner, we have Whiskers, a feline of ten years with a penchant for pills (purely medicinal, of course) and a distaste for solitude. In the opposing corner stands the girlfriend, a human of 35 springs, yearning for love, attention, and perhaps, a pet-free vacation. Our protagonist, caught between a cat and a hard place, loves both but has a peculiar way of showing it—prioritizing Whiskers over his lady love, especially when it comes to vacationing. The crux of their latest escapade? A boat trip to a summer house, a scenario that promises relaxation but delivers only cat-astrophe.

According to our protagonist, the vacation was a success—a perfect blend of board games, culinary experiments, and feline monitoring. But cracks begin to show upon their return. The girlfriend unleashes a fur-nado of frustration, claiming that despite the physical presence of her beau, his mind and heart were monopolized by the four-legged usurper. Despite his protests and catalogue of contributions to holiday cheer, she deems the situation untenable. She seeks more than just cohabitation; she yearns for connection, for a sign that she, too, might rank above the cat in the hierarchy of affection.

Now, dear readers, here’s where I unsheath my claws and deliver **Roger’s Hot Take**. Is our protagonist, the dutiful cat dad, the villain in this tail? Hardly. Yet, is he purr-fectly innocent? Not quite. The essence of companionship, be it feline or feminine, lies in balance and understanding. To neglect the emotional needs of your partner in favor of your pet suggests a catastrophic inability to juggle the feathers of love and responsibility.

Pets, much like partners, require care, attention, and affection. But so do relationships. They cannot thrive on leftovers; they demand the choicest cuts of your time and heart. The issue here isn’t Whiskers’ medical needs or her disdain for solitude; it’s our protagonist’s failure to recognize his girlfriend’s plea for a connection beyond the superficial—a proclamation drowned out, perhaps, by the purring of his beloved pet.

Compromise, dear protagonist, is not about dragging your cat along on every vacation but about finding a way to make your human companion feel just as cherished and attended to as your furry friend. Consider pet care that respects Whiskers’ needs while addressing your girlfriend’s emotional diet. She’s not asking you to choose between her and the cat but to find a way to ensure both feel like top cats in your world.

In conclusion, while our cat-cuddling friend isn’t the antagonist in this kitty litany, a lesson in love and priority is sorely needed. After all, the heart, unlike a cat, doesn’t always land on its feet after a fall. It requires a bit more care, a tad more understanding, and, yes, a whole lot more compromise. To that end, our man must learn to share his lap, lest he finds it empty of both purrs and whispers of affection.

Whether he’s the asshole, well, that’s for you, dear reader, to decide. But if he’s looking to keep both his girlfriend and his cat in a tale that purrs with harmony, he’s got some soul-searching (and perhaps, some apologizing) to do.

So, what’s your take? We’d love to hear your thoughts. Keep the conversation going—unless, of course, you’re too busy attending to your own purr-ticular love triangle. Until next time, this has been Roger, giving you the sassiest, wittiest hot takes from the wild, wonderful world of Reddit relationships. Stay fabulous!

Original story

So, I have had my cat (Wiskers) for 10 years now. My girlfriend (35f) and me, have been together for 5 years.

Gf wants to go away on vacations regularly. I’m okay doing stuff for my gf, it’s important for her, we go. But I cannot stay more than 4 days, I can’t leave my cat alone. (I always have someone come and feed her, but I do not like to leave her alone and just have someone once a day coming, put a bowl of food and leave). She’s on meds as she was hospitalised last year, and doesn’t let other give her pills so if I leave she doesn’t take them.

This month, my gf suggested that we take Wiskers with us, so we can stay more. I said why not try? We can stay longer and they both might be happy. So we did.

The boat trip was kinda hard for my cat but we made it. Went to my gf’s summer house, stayed there with 2 friends. All of us had a great time. (I thought) We came back. All was good until my gf started yelling. Said we cannot continue like that. Said when we were there I only had my mind on my cat and didn’t pay attention to anything.

I reminded her of all the things I did. Make food, suggest board games, having laughs, taking care of friends that got sick, mixing drinks. Overall vacation stuff. Of course I had one eye out for my cat to be fine, AND to not mess with gf’s mums furniture. I participated to every activity and initiated many. Never being rude to anyone. Tought our friends to play chess and make desserts cause they wanted and it was my pleasure. These things can’t be done if you’re not there.

But she says it was her last effort and if I don’t do something she won’t have it. Said it’s not healthy how much I care. I’ve told her I don’t see anything wrong and I had a good time and didn’t feel uneasy. She got even more mad. She cries and yells and left the house yesterday. I need someone to tell me AITA here?