Nanny Woes and Peeing Pooches: A Tale of Domestic Drama

Oh, dear readers, strap in for yet another wild ride on the carousel of domestic conundrums, courtesy of a real person’s Reddit saga. Today, we dip our toes into the tempestuous waters of household harmony, nanny management, and, you guessed it, a peeing dog. Yes, you read that right. Prepare yourselves for “Nanny Woes and Peeing Pooches: A Tale of Domestic Drama,” a story that is as bewildering as it is damp.

Imagine, if you will, the sanctity of your home. You’ve got your little offspring happily tucked away with a local college girl watching over them, ensuring peace and quiet on your much-needed night out. Sounds idyllic, right? Wrong. For upon your return, you find not the serene haven you left but a scene of urinary defiance. The culprit? None other than the nanny’s supposedly well-behaved black lab, caught in the act of relieving himself on your beloved pot plant.

Before we charge ahead, let’s remember, this is a real story from a real person grappling with the perils of pee. Now, our nanny did what any mortified pet owner would do – apologize profusely and offer to rectify the damage. Damage, which our storyteller graciously noted, was contained to the pot plant (thank heavens for small mercies). Yet, when the request was made to banish the offending canine from future engagements, our nanny’s tune changed faster than you can say ‘doggy daycare.’ Accusations of unfairness were thrown into the mix, and pleas for understanding were made, citing the incident as a hicap worthy of a pardon.

Here arises the crux of our tale: to forgive the furry faux pas, or to firmly enforce a no-pet policy? Our storyteller is torn, navigating the murky waters of animal behavior, pondering the probability of repeat offenses, and the potential past presence of covert canine indiscretions. Ah, the dilemmas modern households face!

Now, my lovelies, as your guide through the labyrinthine quandaries of the human (and animal) condition, it’s time for Roger’s Hot Take. Ready? In the grand scheme of domestic issues, one might argue there are greater disasters than a pot-plant peeing pooch. However, the essence of this conundrum lies not in the act itself, but in the breached boundaries of household respect. Our nanny, though seemingly faultless in many ways, must understand that with great power (or access), comes great responsibility.

To bring or not to bring the dog should hinge on mutual comfort and respect. If said canine cannot be trusted to respect the botanical members of the household, then perhaps it’s time for pooch to sit this one out. Moreover, introducing a pet into another’s home without explicit ongoing consent is a precarious path to paw, my friends.

In conclusion, dear readers, the waters of domestic bliss are often stirred by the actions of our four-legged friends. While forgiveness is a virtue, so is a pee-free pot plant. Our nanny might mean well, but in the vast expanse of pet-owner responsibilities, ensuring your dog doesn’t turn someone else’s home into its personal lavatory is, quite frankly, Peeing Pooches 101. So, to our conflicted storyteller, you’re not the antagonist in this tale. It’s your home, your rules, and if those rules include maintaining a urine-free foliage environment, then so be it. May your pot plants grow tall and your floors remain unsullied. Amen.

Until next time, this has been Roger, dipping out of yet another soapy saga of suburban strife. Stay sassy, stay smart, and above all, keep those hot takes coming.

Original story

My husband and I use a local college girl to look after our two kids (age 5 and 7) whenever we go out at night. When we first hired her, she asked to bring her dog (a black lab) with her, and we said that’s fine. She assured us he was very well behaved. She’s been pretty flawless in most things.

Tonight, we went out on date night for dinner, and left her with the kids for about 3 hours. When I came home, however, I noticed she was in my son’s bedroom, and the dog was in the living room. To my surprise and horror, it lifted its leg and began peeing on one of the pot plants in the living room. He probably peed for around 10-15 seconds.

I immediately brought it up with the nanny, and she profusely apologised and offered to pay for any damages. I said that was fine (there were no damages as the pee all went into the pot), but I requested she kindly leave her dog at home.

She said I was being totally unfair, and asked if I could please let her continue to bring him, and assured me it was out of character. Granted, it is a new pot plant, so maybe he was just unfamiliar? I’m not a dog owner so don’t really know. Is it common for dogs to pee when new plants are introduced? Does this indicate he’s likely peed elsewhere in the home, or even pooped? How likely is this to be a one off?

I’m torn whether I would be TA for this, or if I should give him another chance.